
  • Tokyo airport deploys driverless shuttle buses in preparation for Olympics

    Japan is recognized as one of the world’s leading pioneers when it comes to championing groundbreaking technologies - and it has just announced that it will deploy driverless buses on a trial basis at Tokyo Airport in preparation for the Olympic Games there next year.

  • Toyota and SoftBank join efforts to develop self-driving technology

    The two Japanese giants Toyota Motor Corp and SoftBank Group Corp announced their cooperation in developing mobility services for self-driving cars.

  • Toyota announces new aspects of collab with NVIDIA for autonomous vehicles

    Toyota and NVIDIA are working together and using each others’ resources and research facilities to better their program for autonomous vehicle development. 

  • TRA Bahrain issues first license to execute trust, e-signature services

    In light of supporting the digital transformation strategy in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) issues the first license to execute e-signature and trust services to the BENEFIT Company.

  • TRA invests in big data to enhance UAE's digital transformation journey

    The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) revealed that the number of data systems provided in cooperation with the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority and other government entities on has reached more than 500 systems, covering various educational, health, environment and other fields. TRA said that this achievement is the result of cooperation with the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority and more than 36 federal and local entities, to enhance the UAE strategic direction towards digital transformation, keep pace with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and utilize data in finding innovative solutions to future challenges.

  • TRA signs agreement to fund ambitious Emirates Mars Mission 2117

    The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), represented by ICT Fund, the TRA's funding arm, signed a cooperation agreement today with Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC). Under this agreement, the TRA will fund the Emirates Mars Mission 2117 launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai.

  • Tribe Accelerator announces new smart cities program

    According to the announcement, the initiative has recruited ten startups ot join the project in its first phase.

  • Trump administration set to unveil revised self-driving guidelines

    US president Donald Trump's administration has announced that it will unveil its revised guidelines on self-driving regulations early next week, following pressure from leading US car manufacturers who had requested the government to relax and eliminate legal barriers that prevented automakers from putting autonomous vehicles on public roads.

  • Turkish telecommunications operator rolls out NB-IoT for ‘smart city’ applications

    Turkish telecommunications operator Turkcell has announced that it will rollout Narrow-Band-Internet of Things (NB-IoT) in order. to support 'smart city' applications and innovations which will be introduced in different sectors all across the country

  • UAE businesses increase tech investment due to pandemic, KPMG study finds

    Almost half of technology leaders, both globally and in the UAE, expect budgets for IT/technology to increase, driven by a surge in spending on operational efficiencies, customer engagement and data-driven insights. This is among the key findings of The Harvey Nash/KPMG CIO Survey 2020, one of the largest IT leadership surveys in the world, with over 4,200 responses from CIOs and technology executives across 83 countries.

  • UAE businesses recognize key challenges in AI adoption

    Almost half of businesses in the UAE are struggling with a knowledge gap when it comes to adopting artificial intelligence (AI), according to a survey of business leaders in the UAE, conducted by Vanson Bourne and sponsored by Avaya Holdings Corp.

  • UAE cabinet unveils 10-year AI strategy

    The UAE has adopted a new national AI strategy in the hopes of establishing a brand of artificial intelligence within the nation.

  • UAE Central Bank set to launch digital currency by 2026

    In line with its aim to be among the world’s top 10 central banks, the UAE Central Bank (CBUAE) has set its priorities for 2023-2026, including the launch of a digital currency.

  • UAE consumers increasingly trust digital payments over cash, according to survey

    The Department of Economic Development (DED) in Dubai, and the world’s leader in digital payments, Visa (NYSE: V), today launched ‘Stay Secure,’ a consumer education campaign that aims to promote safe digital payment (card and mobile) practices among UAE consumers.

  • UAE Italian Embassy hosts virtual smart city forum to drive greater innovation

    The global pandemic has not slowed down Abu Dhabi and Dubai’s digital innovation drive, experts noted during a live online forum hosted yesterday by the Embassy of Italy to the UAE as part of InnovItalyUAEinitiative.

  • UAE Minister of AI believes EXPO 2020 will inspire change

    The UAE’s Minister for AI Omar Sultan Al Olama has openly expressed his belief that EXPO 2020 will be the greatest exhibition in its decorated and storied history. EXPO 2020 is expected to have a $30bn ripple effect if it is as successful as being projected.

  • UAE Ranks Higher in UN’s Frontier Technologies Readiness Index

    UAE ICT deployment

    The UAE was ranked 37th in the 2023 edition of the United Nations' Technology and Innovation Report titled “Opening Green Windows: Technological Opportunities for a Low-Carbon World.” The report ranks countries according to their readiness to use, adopt and adapt a range of frontier advanced technologies with a focus on green innovation.

  • UAE Space Agency to enter collaboration with Ministry of Climate Change and Environment

    The UAE Space Agency has discussed means of joint cooperation with the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment during a meeting between high-level Space Agency delegates and the Minister of Climate Change and Environment. Discussions included the possibility of providing data on local and international environmental issues, as well as exchanging knowledge and expertise in relevant fields, in order to help combat the effects of climate change.

  • Uber announces plans to open Canadian research hub for self-driving technology

    Global ride-hailing service Uber has taken its very first steps to expand its self-driving research into foreign markets with the announcement that it plans to open a research facility in Toronto, Canada. This latest expansion is for Uber's Advanced Technologies Group, which is responsible for the majority of the firm's research on autonomous vehicles. Uber also disclosed that University of Toronto professor Raquel Urtasun has been tasked with the responsibility of leading the new research center.

  • Uber invests in AI to develop autonomous driving

    Uber said it has acquired computer vision startup Mighty AI to help advance its technology for self-driving cars.