Smart Infrastructure EU

Updated My Moscow app gains over 100,000 new users

Since its launch in late 2018 and an updated version in 2020, My Moscow mobile app’s services such as, My Payments and News & Events sections now have users over 100,000, according to Moscow’s Department of Information Technologies.

Moscow’s smart building project hopes to be a game-changer

Moscow’s smart building project hopes to be a game-changer

Employee supervision systems, digital passports for builders, video surveillance systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, digitally controlled disposal of construction and demolition waste, and many other things will be an integral part of the smart construction site in Moscow, according to Eduard Lysenko, minister of the government of Moscow and head of the city’s department of Information technology.

Orange and ENGIE agree to deliver global renewable energy supply solution

Orange is joining forces with ENGIE, the leading developer of solar and wind power in France, to deliver a global renewable energy supply solution in the country. This will involve creating new solar energy production capacities, managing the production of all renewable electricity capacities contracted by Orange with other producers and supplying additional volumes to cater to Orange's actual consumption.

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