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Brazil issues public invitation to pilot IoT projects

The Brazilian government is continuing to aggressively pursue its ambitions to digitize the country after announcing a new initiative aimed at discovering and subsequently integrating new Internet of Things solutions into its cities.

Brazil's government launched a comprehensive digital transformation program in March as part of its overall effort to make Brazilian cities 'smart'. It has followed up that strategic plan by supporting the collaborative efforts of Brazil's National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Communications (MCTIC) who have issued a public invitation on pilot Internet of Things projects.

It has been reported that the IoT projects will be tested on both experimental platforms and in some cases in real environments as the country continues to embrace digital transformation and technology in an effort to create innovation, jobs and growth.

The proposals on the innovative Internet of Things programs must be submitted to Brazil's National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES by the 31st of August.  The total budget for IoT projects is BRL 20 million with non-reimbursable resources, and BNDES will support up to 50 percent of the cost of each selected initiative.

The minimum amount of BNDES support for each pilot project plan will be BRL 1 million and the focus is on Smart Cities, Rural Environment and Health.

The government voiced its support for the initiative and said that it was imperative the nation embraced the societal impact the implementation of revolutionary new technology can have on the country's residents.