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WGS 2017 – HH Sheikh Saif believes key to UAE’s sustainability is ‘ethics’

His Highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed has stated that he believes the key to the nation's sustainability is that the citizens of the UAE must stick to their values and ethics following an address he gave at the World Government Summit in Dubai. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior declared that the UAE's sustainability originates from a blend of its religion, culture, heritage and history which he says were reinforced by the late founding father Sheikh Zayed.

Sheikh Saif said: "When we talk about sustainability, we mean the sustainability of our nation as a whole and not just one sector. Countries that prioritize ethics and subsequently integrate them into their lives should be commended, and in the UAE good ethics has been the key to our nation's sustainability."

He further disclosed that Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed sent a team to a number of countries including Canada and Japan who teach ethics as part of their education system. The team was instructed to take the findings back to the UAE in an effort to incorporate them in the education sector.  Sheikh Saif added: "We took from them what fits with our religion and history and implemented it here."

The Deputy Prime Minister discussed the issues of terrorism, sectarianism and hatred but said there was a common denominator between all religious faiths and that was their call for good fethics'. Sheikh Saif added: "Every time that humanity went off the track of being ethical, God sent them a prophet to remind them of the error of their ways. Being ethical comes before education and money. We are today in a complicated war with hatred, sectarianism, terrorists and, god willing, by holding on to our ethics we will be winners."

Sheikh Saif then heaped praise on the work provided by the UAE National Service - outlining the massive positivity it has in the region. He said: "The service has entered every Emirati home, and we saw its positive effect in those homes. National service is more than just wearing a uniform it's about discipline and politeness."

The Minister of Interior concluded his speech by highlighting the incredible work of the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid - who has searched for sustainability through culture and heritage. Sheikh Saif said: "The UAE must depend on its heritage to sustain its nationhood, with the speed of the UAE's development we are not riding a fast train, we are riding an aeroplane."