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Smart Dubai and DGHR complete design phase of Unified Registry for Dubai Govt employees

Smart Dubai has announced the completion of the design phase of the Unified Registry for Dubai Government Employees, an initiative launched in response to a directive from the Dubai Government Human Resources Department (DGHR) to create a unified data register for Dubai government employees.

The registry forms part of Dubai Registers – a project designed in partnership with the Dubai Government Human Resources Department to build a network of accurate, reliable, and interconnected data registries to help make Dubai the smartest and happiest city in the world. With the design of the Unified Registry for Dubai Government Employees approved by the Dubai Electronic Security Center, work is now underway on the project’s next phase, which is the development of the registry using data from the Government Resource Planning Systems in collaboration with the DGHR.

To guide the Unified Registry for Dubai Government Employees project, a steering committee has been formed whose members include: H.E. Abdulla bin Zayed Al Falasi, Director General of the Dubai Government Human Resources Department; H.E. Younus Al Nasser, Assistant Director General of Smart Dubai and CEO of the Dubai Data Establishment; Matar Al Humairi, Assistant CEO, Smart Infrastructure at Smart Dubai; and Amer Sharaf, Director, Compliance Support and Alliances at Dubai Electronic Security Center.

As part of the development process, Smart Dubai and DGHR launched a government data quality dashboard, which evaluates the current level of data quality and identifies aspects that need improvement. To achieve this, a series of workshops have been organized with nearly 26 Dubai Government entities to review the quality of their data and provide development recommendations. Participants include representatives from the Dubai Data Establishment, Smart Dubai Government Establishment and Dubai Government Human Resources Department.

"The development of human resources is one of the top priorities in the emirate of Dubai, where the leadership adopts strategic plans to ensure achievement of the desired goals through providing all the possibilities for Dubai to always be at the forefront in various fields," said Abdulla bin Zayed Al Falasi, Director General of the Dubai Government Human Resources Department.

He also indicated, “Providing accurate and updated data for decision-makers definitely helps make right decisions."

Al Falasi further said, "Human resources are the cornerstone of the progress of countries. Therefore, it is necessary to provide accurate information and data about them to enable officials to set future plans and strategies. This is because statistical data serves as a key tool for planning and guidance and plays a very important role in the growth of various sectors."

Smart Dubai and the Dubai Government Human Resources Department are cooperating with the Dubai Electronic Security Center to manage the Unified Registry for Dubai Government Employees project, with other government bodies tasked with feeding their data into the registry.

The initiative aims to find a reliable source of employee data within a unified framework that contributes to government-level human resources planning and decision-making. The project will lead to the Unified Registry for Dubai Government Employees being the only official source in Dubai for government employee data, in an effort to increase employee productivity, improve resource management efficiency, and enable better planning for cooperative projects between various government entities.