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UAE to launch the first global AI-based driving evaluation hub

Dubai-based company Location Solutions made an exclusive partnership with Slovenian hi-tech companies AV Living Lab and Nervtech in bringing the first artificial intelligence (AI) driver evaluation hub to the UAE in June 2021.

The UAE is ready to implement the first global AI driver evaluation hub that will help transform and digitalize the transportation system of the city and country, according to the UAE Vision 2021, Smart Dubai Strategy 2021, and RTA Vision 2024.

Using the latest technology that will enable a data-based driver evaluation, this hub will offer a complete end-to-end solution that would enhance the existing driving procedures with a much deeper analysis and biometric insight. In detail, this is where motion driving simulators, biometric data collections, real road scenarios, and cognitive AI & Machine Learning algorithms work together to help improve and train drivers into the advanced Dubai road transport network.

As a matter of fact, the smart AI system aims at qualifying each driver’s key performance indicators (KPIs) on the basis of their detailed psychophysical characteristics and ability to cope with critical road scenarios in less than 30 minutes.

The AI technology has been developed and patented by the Nervtech AI scientists in collaboration with Stanford University and Virginia Tech. “We are moving from vehicle-centric solutions to human-centric solutions,” said Matej Vengust, CEO Nervtech. This will allow them to “tackle and resolve the human factor in mobility” that is currently the main contributor to accidents in terms of road and traffic congestions.

With Expo 2020 set this upcoming October, Location Solutions considers it to be the best time to deploy the system and start assessing taxis, limos, and bus drivers to improve road safety and Expo visitors’ travel experience. “We are glad to have identified an excellent, unique, and innovative technology that will put Dubai as a global leader in road safety and smart mobility using AI for driver evaluation,” said Zaim Azrak, CEO and founder of Location Solutions.